+(30) 6984-137187


Paros Port Rent a Car - Rental Terms

All reservations are made by category and not by specific model. In the event of unavailability of a confirmed reservation, the company reserves the right to provide the customer with a car of a higher class at no charge to the customer.

Minimum age 23 years. 

Driver’s license
A valid license issued at least 1 year ago is required. Citizens of non-EU countries are required to have an international diploma together with the presentation of the regular diploma

Summons – Fines
Summons and fines from administrative violations are borne by the lessee. 

Payment method-guarantee
The renter is required to provide a personal credit card with sufficient balance to guarantee the rental even if payment is made in cash. The lessor company reserves the right to reserve an amount as a guarantee for the lease from the customer’s credit card. The amount is released by the company after the return and inspection of the vehicle if no additional charges have occurred (damage, fuel difference, traffic violations, etc.). The lease is prepaid. 

Non-refundable Child seat: The fee for a child seat is set at €0/day. 

The renter must return the car with the same amount of fuel that he received. In case of receiving the car with less petrol than the starting petrol, the customer is charged for the fuel difference. No refund is given if the car is returned with more fuel than was received. 

In the event of an accident, the lessee must inform the company as well as the police and provide the police report on the return. In the event of an accident caused by our customer, €15 is charged for handling the accident file. 

The vehicles are insured against third parties for material damage and bodily injury, and the insurance coverage is specialized and governed by the terms of the insurance contract concluded with the insurance company for the car. DRIVING is only allowed on the island of PAROS and ANTIPAROS

Transportation by Ship/Vessel 
Only with the prior written approval of the company and subject to conditions. 

Road Assistance
The company’s cars are covered 24 hours a day by roadside assistance. Contact details will be given to you upon collection of the car 

The car is prohibited to be used for any other use, such as indicatively for: 

a) driving by any third party not contracted herein, without the prior written consent – approval of the lessor, 
b) the transport of persons or things for a price, 
c) the subletting to third parties,
d) the towing of other cars, vehicles, trailers, etc., 
e) the transport or movement of heavy luggage or objects, flammable materials, chemicals, polluting or smelly objects, drugs, weapons, as well as any substances are prohibited by the legislation, or materials that can in any way endanger the safety of the car, its occupants and/or third parties,
f) the transition – movement outside of Greece without the prior written approval of the lessor,
g) for driving, if the driver is tired or under the influence of alcohol, hallucinogens, drugs, barbiturates or any other substance capable of affecting, even in the slightest, his ability to drive, or for any other reason,
h) driving, in violation of any traffic rules, customs or other applicable legislation,
i) participation in races of any kind (e.g. speed, off-road, etc.), and 
j) using the car as an instrument for committing a criminal or illegal act, etc.. In particular, it is not allowed the use of the car beyond the island of PAROS and ANTIPAROS, as well as the use of it on a dirt road more than 500 meters from a paved network, while any damages that will be caused are not covered by any insurance, but are solely borne by the lessee, regardless of his fault , and subject to any exceptions expressly provided herein. In any case, the lessee is obliged to take care of the car, carefully check its mechanical condition, the oil and water level, the condition of the tires and wheels, etc., and take every reasonable and necessary measure for smooth and normal operation of the car, as well as locking and guarding it using the security systems and taking reasonable measures to prevent theft or reduction of its value for any reason. It is forbidden for the lessee to carry out any repair or intervention on the car, both himself and any third party, for any reason, without the prior written approval of the lessor.